Wednesday, August 20, 2008


New jeans, new shoes, new 'do & new toy. That's a good day in the life of a one year old (or at least his mom who gets to hang out with a hip, happy kid)!

1 comment:

Betsy Skevington said...

What a great blog, Malia! Of course I am a bit prejudiced when it comes to M, C & W Torrone. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures of Chris pushing Buster on the swing and the three of you on Will's birthday. They are THE GREATEST!!!
The pics of "the gang" sitting on the couch with Will and either Chandler or Raleigh (I can't tell)crying is also a riot.
You are the best, most relaxed mom and Chris is an awesome dad. Both of you are naturals!
Raising Will is going to be an adventure and I am thrilled to be able to share that little Buster with you and Chris.