Thursday, April 15, 2010

yesterday was a big day at our house...

Will traded in his binkies
for a "state-board" and knee, elbow and wrist "padders"
we've made it through 2 naps and one night
and so far so good.
way to go, dude!


fiona westover said...

You traded in braces for broken limbs! he looks so proud!

Jordan K. Foster said...

You just let me know when he's ready to learns some tricks on that thing. I'll start him off slow with the ollie and maybe the pogo, and 360 spin... then progress to the bone drop, 50-50 grind, and throw in some kick flips for the ladies. Bones Brigade for Life!!!

Heidi Bruch said...

This is a BIG DEAL! Congrats, Mama!

Liz said...

Awesome Will! I want to know if he slept with the skateboard under his arm? :)