My sassy, sweet, busy, opinionated, dude.
How are you possibly 3?
You're an adventure everyday, Will.
You test us, you push us, you melt us, you make
us laugh, you make us want to cry, you exhaust us,
you make us get up and play, you make us HAPPY.
Most of all you make us want to be better...
better examples, better people, better parents.
I love watching your 3 year old brain work.
This morning you woke up whining like it was nobody's business.
You grouched and covered your ears when we sang Happy Birthday.
You wouldn't go potty.
You didn't haaaaave to.
You wanted oatmeal, you didn't.
You waaaaanted cereal.
You wanted Handy Manny, you didn't.
You waaaaanted Curious George.
You wanted your new guitar but you didn't liiiiike it.
You needed a blanket but didn't want it ooooooon you.
Could I take a shower? Noooooo.
and on. and on.
Then about 3 minutes into my shower
you peeked your little head in
smiled your gapped tooth grin
and in the most sweet, polite, heavenly voice asked
"mom, may I please have a Spiderman gummy?"
I said yes.
Worked me over.
Chewed me up and spit me out.
You know your assets and you use them to your advantage.
We often think we've completely screwed you up
but then decide we're skating by because we really like
the little guy you're turning into.
My favorite thing about you right now is
how much you adore your little brother.
He is the only one guaranteed to make you smile
morning, noon or night.
You've taught him how to be gentle.
You play a tickle game with him where you walk
as far away as you can and put your hands into a
tickle claw and come "get him".
He thinks it's hilarious and your dad has copied you
to get a laugh out of Char.
You love sharing your bath and especially playing
splash mania.
I often find you in his crib with him, jumping, making
funny faces or whatever else you have to do to make him smile.
He worships the ground you walk on, and he should.
A few of my other Shooka loves...
I love the way you pucker your lips to give a kiss.
I love your gap tooth grin.
I am thankful we can finally brush those gap teeth without a brawl.
I love that you worship Pump it Up and are sweaty when we leave.
I love that you put yourself to bed and often say
"I need to go shleepy, mooooom."
I love that your fav foods are teriyaki chicken and RTP.
I am thankful your temper tantrums are more spaced out
but they are vicious when they happen.
I love that you love playing with your friends.
I love that you are obsessed with diggers and balls.I loved that when I asked you to color on you thank you notes today
after each and every one (all 30) you said "does that look-ed nice, mom?"
I love that you've forced me to think outside the box when answering
the question "why?" for the thousandth un-answerable time.
I love that you can finally sit through an entire book.
I love listening to you read to yourself in bed.
I love that you have really weird shoe obsessions.
I love that you'll do ANYTHING for a gummy or a piece of gum.
I just love your smart-mouthed, moody, sassy little guts.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Shooks!
We love you.
Happy Birthday Will Will. We love you.
Very sweet. Happy birthday buddy!
Your words are beautiful - as are your children! Happy Birthday Will!!
Love these kinds of posts - always makes me teary - Happy Birthday, Will! xoxo
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