Wednesday, February 24, 2010

you might be a stubborn kid if you..

tease your parents with 2 poops in the potty
and then absolutely refuse to go again
and then hold it for days
until your mom orders bran muffins for you
so you can't hold it anymore.
but you are sick of hearing it from them
so you go to bed like normal
and poop in your pants
like normal
and then instead of demanding to be cleaned up
so you could get out of bed
like you did every single night in diapers
because you really hate having poopy pants
you decided you didn't want to hear it from your parents
mostly your mom
so you went in your pants
took off your underwear yourself
deposited them and the poop
on the floor by your bed
put your pants back on
and went to sleep.
you might just be stubborn IF you did that.


Liz said...

Oh my. No one will tell you potty training is easy. It's just not. It is THE grand-daddy of all power struggles. Hang in there.

Lisha said...

Ryan is watching stupid AI and I am catching up on blog reading...and I have to say I am beyond scared of potty training. Terrified. I have a Will in my bunch. She goes by Lily. They would make a good team. ;) Good luck Malia!

fiona westover said...

I call it smart, not stubborn. But, if I was the parent of the "smart" kid, I'd call it "stubborn" too!