Sunday, June 20, 2010


I'm not good at being overly mushy
but I must give props where props are due,
and Chris deserves big props in the dad
AND husband department.

I mean he's not perfect...
but perfect is boring, and not real
and he's THE REAL DEAL.
the bombdiggity
the big kahuna
our superdad.

He works hard all day.
Up early, home late
we don't even let him change his clothes before
we attack (dudes)
and sometime snap (me)
he grins and bears it.
he showers the dudes with kisses
and then heads straight out to play baseball
or legos or cars
or some other mind numbing thing
when all he wants to do
and deserves to do
is put his feet up
and take a deep breath.

I love him because he compliments me everyday.
he makes me laugh.
he makes a big effort to make me happy.
he watches the WORST shows on television.
he knows that if he is embarassed by something
on TV he shouldn't change the channel
because it is my favorite part of the show.
he does ALL the yardwork
and claims to like doing it.
he finally admits he likes romantic comedies.
he knows how to calm me down in ANY situation.

he's understanding.
he's calm.
he doesn't raise his voice.
he's handsome and (newly) skinny.
we've been together since we were 15
and married for almost 7 years
and I would still rather hang out with him
than anyone else.

we all know that he loves us because

he tells us every day.

the kids love him because he's fun.

he's never said no to playing with them.

he's the best book reader.

he buys them gummies.

he takes them to work with him.

he comes back each morning ten times

if asked for another hug and a kiss.

he doesn't put water in their juice.

he lets them watch movies before (instead of) bed.
he takes them to the driving range.

And, he's a sucker for one moment of sweetness

after hours of bad behavior.

thanks for all that you do...

we love and appreciate you!!


Heidi Bruch said...

Adore this post and reading about how many things you love about Chris - I feel so much the same with Jon - should of posted something similar - yikes. Preggo brain. Love you four.

katy said...

So cute! Love these kinds of posts. And I had noticed that Chris looked like he was shrinking. You look damn hot too little lady! And your boys are beautiful. Happy Summer Malia!

Liz said...

This is really really nice. I know all this about Chris to be true and thensome. Cheers to you guys, what a sweet team!