He's got brown fat to spare...
pictures of each other...
We've had a good 24 hours.
Will is happy with his grandparents
and wants nothing to do with me.
Charlie sleeps well between feeds but
eats for about an hour when he decides he's hungry.
He slept from 11:30 until 4:30am (don't worry,
I'm not getting my hopes up).
We think he's sweet as can be and can't wait
to take him home.
Excited to share him with our friends and family.
Thanks for all the great vibes sent our way yesterday.
And no, I don't know how I got him out.
I love those cheeks! I think he looks just like Will. You guys look great! Hope to meet Charlie soon.
Oh, he is too cute! Love those chubby cheeks! Congratulations!!!
Big Congrats Torrone Fam!!! He is one lucky babe!!!
I hate to be unoriginal, but those cheeks are just waiting to be bitten in to. I hope you are on good pain meds. Looking forward to hearing the gorey details of labor. Congratulations. Tell Will he is a great big bro for letting you deal with just one little boy right now. And just so you know, the word I have to type in order to post this is "fatend". I think that is kind of funny.
Congrats Torrone's! He's perfect! Check this out!
You should call King 5!
All the best and take care :)
The Jacoys
I know I'm prejudiced, but I'm telling you...that is one huggable, adorable little guy AND despite initial impressions, he is not exactly a Chris clone. I think you can actually see a little of Malia in him once you get past his dark hair and olive complexion.
Will is finally warming up to his "brudder". This afternoon, when I asked him if he would show Charlie how to hit a golf "chub", he said, "Chahwie's too little to hit da ball".
We are very blessed to have this spectacularly chubby and sweet addition to our family. Here's to my amazing, can-do daughter, Malia and her supportive husband and biggest fan, Chris, for figuring out how to gracefully deliver such a bruiser.
He is so perfect, love his little fontanel and suture lines. There Fiona, at least that's original. SOOOO friggin' adorable, can't wait to hear how Will does...look forward to living vicariously through you;).
Thinking of you Malia! We love your new little guy...and we want to eat him...
Lots of love,
Katie S., Sue, Pasha, Joyce, Susie, Julie, Megan, and the rest of the NICU crew:)
Thanks, everyone...
he is really as edible in person as on camera and so so sweet. Can't wait for everyone to meet him!
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