Tuesday, September 29, 2009

music to a mother's ears?

"Mama, I dough'in to det my toys for Char-Char..."
"Mama, I sharin' my toys wif Char-Char..."
Yeah, I guess you are. He looks thrilled.
"This can't really be my life, right?"
"Mom, seriously...are you really letting this happen to me?"
I can't say that I will ever tell my 2 year old to stop sharin' his toys.
Charlie just stared at me with this look in his eyes.
The humiliation of being a 2nd child.


Liz said...

Good job Will! And sorry Charlie, but you are in for a lifetime of humiliation. Lulu can sympathise.

Heidi Bruch said...

Too funny - it seems every single friend I know has a photo like this of their second child - too cute!